高等教育行政管理 Program (HEA)


高等教育管理课程,可以获得文学硕士学位 教育领导 & 政府 Degree, is a 33-credit hour program designed 准备个人的入门和中级管理或研究职位提供 at the community, senior college, and university level. 这个程序也是有意的 提高目前担任行政职务人员的技能 在这样的机构,以及为那些愿意的人提供选择 change their 护理ers to enter the field of higher education administration.

通过该计划提供的课程提供实际的动手经验 通过在社区学院和大学实习,并帮助候选人 获得该领域就业机会所需的知识和技能 的研究. Our students are actively engaged in educational research that increase their job opportunities in this interesting and exciting field 的研究.

在我们的课程中,激励、挑战和吸引人的主题促进终身学习. 这些主题包括领导和管理,分析政策,道德, higher education law, evaluation, and more.


Upon 完成 of the 计划, candidates will receive an M.A. 教育领导 & 政府, which qualifies them for higher education administrative 护理ers 可能包括以下工作机会:学术咨询,招生和 招生,成人课程,校友社团和服务,行政评估, 体育和教练,财务和学生账户,发展和筹款, 远程教育项目,财政援助,人力资源,国际项目,  法律事务,多元文化事务和平权行动,登记员,住宿 生活和住房,项目主任,学生服务主任和课程协调员.

To apply for admission to this 计划, candidates should go 在这里 然后按照这个主页上提供的说明提交申请 在线. Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended, (except 基督教社会联盟), 是必需的. Questions about the application process should be directed to the Office 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址研究生和专业研究,(773)995 -2404或 grad-admissions@themindbehind.net

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除了满足大学的一般入学要求外,申请人 必须:

  1. Have an earned bachelor’s 学位 from an accredited college or university;
  2. Submit official transcripts from all Colleges/Universities attended (except 基督教社会联盟). A 3.0 GPA(4分评分标准)是该计划的全部录取要求。 而2.75 GPA is needed for conditional admission.
  3. (在网上申请系统中)提供一份简明的书面目的陈述; describing his/her academic and research background, 护理er goals, and reason for 申请这个学位课程. 请 be specific in explaining how the course offerings and faculty expertise of this program fit your educational and 护理er objectives.
  4. 提供两封个人推荐信(在线申请系统) familiar with his/her educational background and work experience.

Additional Required Documents for International Applicants Only:

  1. 教育证书评估机构(ECE)对每门课程的成绩单进行评估 or World 教育al Services (WES).
  2. 英语水平证明:托福/雅思官方成绩报告或豁免申请
  3. International Student Packet: - Bank Statement; and Notarized Financial Statement Form and Certificate of Sponsorship.
  • ELCF 5010: Curriculum Development and Learning Theories (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5130: Human Relations and Leadership (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5380: Collective Negotiations (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5400: 高等教育行政管理 Law (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5410:政府及私人资助的建议发展(3学时)
  • ELCF 5600: Seminar in Finance and Budget for Higher 教育 (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5780: Practicum in 高等教育行政管理 I (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5790: Practicum in 高等教育行政管理 II (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5920: Organization and Governance in Higher 教育 (3 credit hours)
  • ELCF 5930: Higher 教育 Admin and Evaluation (3 credit hours)
  • ED 5960 Fundamentals of 教育al 研究 (3 credit hours)
  • 候选人必须成功完成该计划所需的所有学分.
  • 绩点3分.0 or better must be maintained in the program and is required for 学位 完成.
  • 必须完成该学位的所有课程,包括转学学分 within the six years allowed for program 完成.
  • 候选人必须成功完成要求的实习经验(24学分) 小时的先决条件* *)
  • 专业作品集(实习结束时需要的经验,这是 在ELCF 5790期间完成. This portfolio must be uploaded into 生活的文本 用于评分.

Dr. Olanipekun Laosebikan , Program Facilitator

Department of 高等教育研究

College of 教育 Building, Room 319


电子邮件: olaosebi@themindbehind.net



Fall, Summer, and Spring semester of each year.

  • 是的. 学生可以将在其他认可学校获得的9个学分的研究生学分转学 没有被用于学位要求或申请的学院和大学 to a 学位 program at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址.
  • 对于在科罗拉多州立大学入学前获得的转学分的评估,学生 必须在入学申请表上注明他/她想要的任何转学分吗 已经考虑.
  • 所有课程必须在规定的六年时间内修完 the 学位 program prior to the conferral of the graduate 学位. 取得的成绩必须 成绩至少为B或以上.


该学位至少需要四(4)个学期,最多需要两年. Students are given a six-year time limit within which to complete their 学位.

Core coursework consists of a total of 33 credit hours.

  • 是的.  The master’s 学位 can only be awarded to candidates who have achieved a 3.0 申请硕士学位的所有必修课和选修课的累积GPA或更高 学位. Students who fall below this standard will be placed on academic probation.
  • 获得D或F成绩的课程可以重复一次以获得A C级以上.
  • 一旦进入学位课程,任何一门课程都不能获得超过两个C的成绩 在该研究生课程中所修的研究生或专业课程 计划, whether or not the courses are part of the student’s program. 如果一个学生在毕业记录中有两个成绩为“I”,这个学生 will be reviewed for probationary status.




“加入188bet金宝搏官网登录网址攻读教育领导硕士课程(高等教育) 政府 Concentration, we had many conversations about purpose. 成为一个产品 在芝加哥公立学校中,有很多人错过了充分确保高中的机会 School seniors understood how to be self-sufficient. The High School transition process is so critical in tackling College Jargon for First Generation College students. I 幸运的是,有一个项目可以让我在2年和4年的时间里深入学习 结构. I had a close knit relationship with my peers and instructors who always pushed me to see the bigger picture. I immediately appreciated internships being imbedded 进入了毕业要求这帮助我充分了解了什么机构 最适合我吗. The program allowed space for us to research and practice 我们热衷的话题. I truly appreciated my program and thankful for the exposure and knowledge I’m able to bring into my professional 护理er.” - 茉莉•阿吉亚尔 


“作为一名大学管理人员,并在多所大学工作过,我觉得这是必要的 to equip myself with a 学位 in 高等教育行政管理.   我想补充一点 以我的经验和实践,拓宽我的研究,理论和趋势的视野 在高等教育中.  The courses proved to be relevant and relatable and dealt with current issues 在高等教育中.  The faculty demonstrated a wealth of knowledge and scholarship in their fields and guided us through the program with precision. 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的高等教育管理专业符合我的期望 充分地.  The courses were in the evening which was a great benefit to those 谁在白天工作.”-  弗兰克·麦克奈特三世


"My graduate school experience with 基督教社会联盟 was nothing short of amazing. 尽管面临 一场全球性的流行病,暂时成为一个完全在线的学生,我从来没有感觉到 匿名或断开连接. In fact, the relationships that I built with classmates 由于在这里营造了家庭式的氛围,教师们变得更加强大 基督教社会联盟. The goal become that “we will ALL get through this”. 在HEA项目中 我对领导力的看法大大丰富了,我对 leadership has reached a level beyond my imagination. Although the rigor of the program 挑战是可以实现的吗?它让我相信花费是可以的吗 an investment in my own personal and professional growth. HEA项目的教员 总是加倍努力,为每个学生创造一个非凡的学习环境 以最高的专业精神和最富有同情心的个人修养和 护理. The choice of attending 基督教社会联盟 has been most divine and meaningful for me.” - 韦恩·休斯